Easily, the most common consumer problem arises in the area of purchasing merchandise from stores. If your case involves such a purchase, remember we’re here to help. Contact member services to be paired with an attorney.
Because this area has exploded in the past decade, telephone orders and mail order solicitations have their own set of rules which often vary by state. If you do have any particular questions about your state, contact an attorney through member services. We’re here to help.
What is a Warranty? Warranties are guarantees made usually by manufacturers or service companies which may describe the terms by which services, repairs, replacement, or maintenance will be conducted should any such work be necessary.
Building a better argument to fight against your traffic ticket will increase your chance of success. Objective evidence, pictures, research from the scene, diagrams and witnesses can bolster your chances of winning your case. You will have an opportunity to cross-examine the police officer, so be prepared with questions that support your evidence and maintain a professional attitude.
Collection agencies are in business solely to collect money. While many of these agencies have not studied politeness or manners, these agencies are legally able to harass and pressure you for amounts owed.