Financial and Consumer

Because this area has exploded in the past decade, telephone orders and mail order solicitations have their own set of rules which often vary by state. If you do have any particular questions about your state, contact an attorney through member services. We’re here to help.

Because this area has exploded in the past decade, telephone orders and mail order solicitations have their own set of rules which often vary by state. If you do have any particular questions about your state, contact an attorney through member services. We’re here to help.

Small claims court is a unique court where matters are resolved quickly and inexpensively. In this type of court, attorneys are typically not allowed. The person filing the claim is called the plaintiff and the person whom the claim is being filed against is called the defendant. This section assumes that you have brought the lawsuit and that you are the plaintiff.

In order to hide assets from the bankruptcy court, transfers to other parties are often contemplated. If you understand the legal system mindset that often catches people unfamiliar with the proceedings off-guard, you will understand and avoid pitfalls of trouble.

Identity theft is a crime. Just like any other crime, you are entitled to certain rights as a victim. Many local governments, however, have yet to make adequate provisions, at the state level, for victims of identity theft and you may encounter some difficulty or “red tape” as you attempt to carry out certain actions necessary to restoring your identity.


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