Small Claims

There are many considerations when deciding whether or not to pursue your case or not. Suing a person or business requires time, money and effort. You will be representing yourself, and you must appear and file any papers required of you. Before filling a lawsuit, consider if the rewards will be worth it – or even if you can collect.

Certain other limitations in Small Claims Court can prevent you from winning your case.

Statute of Limitations

Small claims court is a unique court where matters are resolved quickly and inexpensively. In this type of court, attorneys are typically not allowed. The person filing the claim is called the plaintiff and the person whom the claim is being filed against is called the defendant. This section assumes that you have brought the lawsuit and that you are the plaintiff.

What is a Warranty? Warranties are guarantees made usually by manufacturers or service companies which may describe the terms by which services, repairs, replacement, or maintenance will be conducted should any such work be necessary.

In small towns or cities, there is often no problem with determining the proper Small Claims Court, or the proper branch of the court. However in big cities, there may be a number of branches of the Small Claims Court. Whether you are bringing the action in the proper court is a question best answered by the Small Claims Court clerk.


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