Small Claims

What happens if someone sues you for causing property damage to their property? The best defense is always to outline each element of the plaintiff's case, and then ask yourself what proof the plaintiff has on each element, and what proof you can introduce or bring to court to disprove the plaintiff's version.

Trees protruding onto your property can cause undue stress and arguments between neighbors. The general rule is that if a neighbor's tree is causing actual problems with your property, or interfering with the use of your property, then you have certain rights as to that intrusion.

When your claim is proper matter for Small Claims Court, contact Member Services or your Plan Attorney to be sure that:

Court Dates/Changes/Postponements: One of the hardest things for persons using the court system to get used to is the ease with which courts reschedule dates and times, almost without regard to the number of days you have taken off of work, or hired a babysitter. Unfortunately, you can ask, but you can almost never recover these costs of continuances or delays.

Small Claims are usually issues or disputes involving less than $5,000 USD. Small Claims were designed to enable persons to avoid paying attorney fees for representation in disputes where the attorney fees might cost more than the amount of lawsuit. Call your local Small Claims Court Clerk to find the actual limits in your state.


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